MoCIIP invites Indian business to invest in Oman

Mumbai: Qais Mohammed Al Yousef, Oman’s Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion has invited Indian business houses to come and invest in the Sultanate as it offers a wealth of opportunities to foreign investors.

“From mining to engineering to heavy industry, Oman has opened its doors for business houses,” Oman’s Minister of Commerce, said at an event in Mumbai, organised by India’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry on Friday.

Oman’s high-powered delegation was led by the Minister of Commerce and Pankaj Khimji, advisor for foreign trade and international cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion along with senior officials from the ministry of culture and Oman’s ambassador to India.

“Situated just across the Arabian sea, Oman and India enjoy historic relationships. India is so important for Oman that after His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik came to power, India was the first non-Arab country to which His Majesty visited,” the Minister added.

The long-standing relation between India and Oman during the reign of late Sultan Qaboos bin Said is very well known, the Minister said, adding that “instead of inviting investors to Oman, we are moving to them with open arms to invest in the country.”

“Oman and India trade relations date back to over 5,000 years,” said Pankaj Khimji, adding that “artefacts throw light on sea trade between Qalhat and Dwarka. Even the national Museum of Oman has many artefacts showing close and historic ties between the two countries,” he said.

He said that when His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik met with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, they discussed cricket and the Indian Prime Minister presented his Majesty with a cricket bat with the signature of Indian players.

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