MoCIIP organizes a workshop in Dhofar Governorate

Salalah: The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion organized a workshop entitled “Together to Ensure Freedom of Competition” in cooperation with the branch of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Dhofar Governorate.

The workshop aimed to introduce the economic laws concerned with protecting competition, preventing monopoly, and combating dumping and harmful practices in international trade. Zaher bin Muhammad Al Mahrouqi, Director General of the Center for Competition Protection and Anti-Monopoly Prevention at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, delivered a speech in which he spoke about the importance of competition as the main element of economic and social development, indicating its role in stimulating innovation, improving quality and services, providing job opportunities and reducing prices for consumers.

He pointed out that the ministry places the protection of competition and the prevention of monopoly at the core of its economic and commercial work, embodying the vision of the Sultanate of Oman 2040, which sets targets based on competitiveness that achieves economic growth and prosperity.

The workshop, which was held in the hall of the Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry branch in Dhofar Governorate, included a number of working papers, which included defining the competences of the Center for Competition Protection, Monopoly Prevention and Prohibited Practices, in addition to the concept of economic focus and anti-dumping as well as harmful practices in international trade.

The event was sponsored by His Excellency Sheikh Tariq bin Khalid Al Hinai, Governor of Taqah, in the presence of a number of officials, entrepreneurs and owners of small and medium enterprises in the governorate.

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