Municipal Council of Al Dhahirah Governorate holds sixth meeting for 2023

Ibri: During its sixth meeting, the Municipal Council of Al Dhahirah Governorate, chaired by His Excellency Najib bin Ali Al Rawas, Governor of Al Dhahirah and Chairman of the Council, discussed a proposal to form a committee concerned with following up on investment and facilitating procedures for investors in line with Oman’s Vision 2040 linked to the axes of economy and development to make the business environment in the Sultanate of Oman in general, and Al Dhahirah Governorate in particular, is attractive and motivating to bring in national and foreign investments from all legislative and procedural aspects and addressing the challenges facing them.

At the beginning of the meeting, the minutes of the meeting of the fifth regular session were approved. After that, the members discussed the issue of medical facilities, service needs, challenges facing the health sector in the governorate, and appropriate solutions to enhance the level of service.

The council also listened to the observations and opinions of members on the issue of health and technical requirements for licensing activities for restaurants and cafes. On the other hand, the meeting discussed the challenges facing mining and quarrying activities in the state of Dhank, in addition to discussing the recommendations contained in the minutes of previous meetings.

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