Municipal projects implemented in Shinas reaches 100%

Shinas:  The completion rate of a number of municipal projects implemented in the Wilayat of Shinas – and implemented by the North Al Batinah Municipality – has reached 100%, and includes service projects represented in: paving and designing internal roads, implementing taxi breaks and others.

In the field of service roads, the paving of roads in industrial plans has been completed, and the design and paving of (4.5) kilometers of internal roads has been completed. With regard to the maintenance and repair of damaged roads, 85% of these roads have been accomplished with an area of ​​up to (990) square meters in various parts of the wilayat. Shinas.

In the field of public municipal projects, works are continuing to develop the waterfront park, where the completion rate has reached 72%, while the completion rate has reached 20% with the project of supplying and installing kiosks with a total of 5 kiosks, and they will be distributed to entrepreneurs, owners of small enterprises and researchers.

About work with preparing and rehabilitating the site designated for placing these kiosks. Restrooms for waiting for taxis were also supplied and installed, and the completion rate in these restrooms reached 100%, with 4 restrooms distributed in different regions of the state. It is worth noting that the Municipality of North Al Batinah assigned a number of projects in the Wilayat of Shinas during the second half of this year, including a project for designing and paving internal roads with several plans with a length of (11) kilometers, and a project to raise the efficiency of the market road with the rehabilitation of parking lots and the construction of a rainwater drainage channel. Announcement of a tender for the supply and installation of games for the marine park in the state.

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