Mwasalat transports over 78,000 passengers during Eid Al Adha holiday

Mwasalat announces that it achieved record numbers in the number of passengers during the Eid Al-Adha holiday, as more than 78,000 passengers were transported via the bus service and more than 2,700 passengers via the ferry service. On the second day of Eid, the company was able to transport more than 19,000 passengers via the bus service.

Mwasalat also revealed that it transported more than 771 vehicles and more than 44.5 tons of goods via the ferry service, as these numbers show the importance of the economic and societal role that the company plays in meeting the transportation needs of citizens and residents throughout Oman.

During EidAlAdha holiday, Mwasalat transported

+78,000 passengers through Buses

+2,700 passengers through Ferries . .

Most popular routes:

Route 1 (Ruwi – Al Mabela): +14,000 passengers

Route (Shannah – Masirah): +2,000 passengers

Mwasalat said, that Route 1 (Ruwi – Al Mabela) in the bus service was the most used during this period, as it transported more than 14,000 passengers, and the route (Shenna – Masirah) in the ferry service was the most popular, as it transported more than 2,000 passengers.

“Mwasalat” continues to provide its services and operational operations during holidays and public holidays, with the aim of meeting the transportation needs of all passengers in Oman, and achieving their expectations by providing its exceptional and diverse services.

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