Nama Dhofar Services announces its readiness for Salalah Khareef season

Salalah: The Al-Mourouj transformer station in the Awqad region and the Sahalnot 3 transformer station in the Sahalnot region in the Governorate of Dhofar has reached 57%, in line with the plan drawn for them by the Nama Dhofar Services Company. These two projects are expected to be completed in the last quarter of this year.

While the completion rate of the transformer station project in the Niyabat of Tawi Ateer in the Wilayat of Mirbat has reached 41%, and it is expected to be completed and operational in the first quarter of 2024. The total cost of these projects amounted to approximately RO 9 million .

Regarding Namaa’s preparations for Dhofar Services for the Khareef Dhofar Tourism Season 2023, Eng. Ali bin Issa Shammas, CEO of Namaa Dhofar Services, said that the company has made many efforts to improve and develop the electricity network in the governorate, and there are improvements implemented by the company to secure the provision of electric energy and water sources to keep pace with the increased demand for electricity. and water and sanitation during the fall season.

In a statement to Oman News Agency, the CEO of Namaa Dhofar Services indicated that many electricity distribution projects have been completed and revitalized, and a number of major projects are currently being implemented, such as the establishment of new basic substations in several areas in the governorate, in order to meet the increase in demand for energy supplies and share commitments. Existing power supply for the main substations, in addition to the implementation of several projects to expand the network to connect new subscribers and other projects for the purpose of making improvements to the networks.

As for the water sector, Eng. Ali bin Issa Shammas, CEO of Namaa Dhofar Services, confirmed that the company is currently working on implementing a project to develop the pumping station in Ashore and improve the current water supply network in Salalah, Mirbat and Energy, at a total cost estimated at RO 28 million. The project aims to Ensuring water security in the cities of Salalah, Taqah, and Mirbat, rehabilitating water networks commensurate with the peak demand for the coming years, and covering the deficit in providing desalinated water in both Taqah and Mirbat, while keeping wells in reserve in case of emergency conditions, in addition to raising operational pressure in The water networks of Al Saada and Sahlnot during the period of peak demand for water through the construction of support lines for the existing water networks and the expansion of the water networks in the city of Mirbat based on the urban and tourism growth of the city and the reduction of temporary connections.

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