National Competitiveness Committee discusses Oman’s Inclusion in Global Competitiveness Yearbook

Muscat: The National Competitiveness Committee today discussed the data panel of the National Competitiveness Office, which constitutes an important project undertaken by the office to overcome challenges and save the efforts of national departments entrusted with improving Oman’s international indicators.

The committee also reviewed developments in global innovation indicators and environmental performance indices.

The discussions took place during the committee’s second regular meeting of the year (2023), held under the auspices of Dr. Said Mohammed Al Saqri, Minister of Economy, Chairman of the Committee.

The meeting also proposed the feasibility of including Oman in the World Competitiveness Yearbook (WCY), issued by the International Institute for Management Development (IMD). The WCY is a comprehensive annual report and worldwide reference point on the competitiveness of countries. It provides benchmarking and trends, as well as statistics and survey data on extensive research, based on four factors: economic performance, government efficiency, business efficiency and infrastructure.

The proposal stems from a keenness to achieve several goals that serve access to global indicators, most notably the availability of data influencing Oman’s classification in Anti-Corruption Perceptions and Global Innovation indicators.

At the international level, Oman’s enrolment in the WCY offers the country better exposure, giving the high rate of countries wishing to join the global yearbook. Locally, the move will help improve Oman’s competitiveness climate.

The National Competitiveness Office is embarked on following up and ameliorating Oman’s international indicators, particularly those included in Oman Vision 2040. Towards this end, the office acts in coordination with the authorities concerned to attain advanced ranks in international reports, with the prime aim of upgrading Oman’s ranking in the GCC, regionally and internationally. – ONA

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