National Finance Successfully Organizes Blood Donation Initiative

Muscat: National Finance, a leading financial services provider, has successfully concluded its blood donation initiative, held in commemoration of World Blood Donor Day. The event, hosted at the company’s headquarters, witnessed an overwhelming response from employees, who wholeheartedly embraced the opportunity to make a difference. Their selfless act of donating blood exemplified a remarkable sense of unity.

Impressively, a significant count of individuals registered forward as blood donors, totaling 150. This notable participation contributed to the cause of saving lives and addressing the ongoing challenges related to the blood supply. A commendable number of units of blood were collected during the drive. These notable statistics stand as a testament to the generosity of the National Finance team, actively supporting the well-being of the community.

Tariq Al Farsi, the Chief Executive Officer of National Finance, expressed his gratitude and pride for the enthusiastic participation of employees and the successful outcome of the blood donation drive. He remarked, “We are thrilled to have made a significant impact in the lives of others through our blood donation Initiative. Our employees’ overwhelming response and active involvement showcase their compassion and dedication to making a difference. We believe in the power of collective action and this event exemplifies the spirit of giving back to the community that lies at the core of National Finance’s values.”

National Finance continues demonstrating its strong commitment to community service and belief in the spirit of volunteerism. The successful organisation of the blood donation drive reaffirms the company’s position at the forefront of initiatives that positively impact society. As the company moves forward, it remains steadfast in its pursuit of initiatives that foster unity, compassion and a profound sense of responsibility towards the community it serves.

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