New Cases of Chronic Pain Outnumber Those of Diabetes, Depression: Study

Washington: A new study found that new cases of chronic pain occur more often than those of other chronic conditions, such as diabetes, depression and high blood pressure.

The findings offer a large-scale confirmation of what previous research has shown on chronic pain being highlight common.

Researchers analyzed data from 10,415 adults who participated in two editions of an annual survey led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at the US; respondents reported how often they felt pain in the last three months, and whether that pain interfered with their daily lives.

“We’re talking about a major public health problem,” said Dr. Gregory Terman, a pain medicine specialist at the University of Washington School of Medicine and a co-author of the study.

The study shows that as more people develop new cases of chronic pain, existing patients struggle to recover.

Only around 10 percent of those with chronic pain in 2019 were pain-free in 2020, which underscores just how hard it is to treat.

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