New freelance digital platform ‘dotNXT’ launched in Oman

AWJ Innovation launched the “dotNXT” digital platform. For independent work under the auspices of Eng. Salem bin Nasser Al-Awfi, Minister of Energy and Minerals.

Rawan Al-Salmiya, supervisor at Awj Company, said that the digital platform is “dotNXT”. It is an advanced electronic platform that works to bring together Omani freelance workers with various clients in an organized and easy environment so that it acts as a mediator to preserve the rights of all, and this platform was launched to support the outputs of the dotNXT program and all the Omani youth, in addition to the fact that the economy of independent businesses is one of the economies that are coming on a wave of growth and prosperity, and this has been proven by many international studies and statistics.

On information security, Al-Salmiya mentioned that the platform provides customers with a group of independent workers with the skills required to perform the work, as it thus saves time, effort and money spent in traditional recruitment processes, in addition to contracts for the preservation of rights, and it also provides independent workers with the necessary space to market their skills and services, and flexibility in Working hours, in addition to a smooth payment through the electronic payment gateway, in addition to being a source of livelihood and income increase.

Dr. Yousef bin Abdullah Al-Balushi, CEO of Awj Company, said: The independent work economy is recording remarkable development all over the world, especially in countries that have an advanced digital infrastructure, and the launch of the “. The global trend towards the independent work economy, and the local trend to diversify business patterns in the Sultanate.

The platform aims to support and encourage the culture of independent work and temporary and part-time jobs in the Sultanate, and to enhance the role of the independent work economy in diversifying the society’s economy and improving the income of individuals.

During the inauguration ceremony, a group of local companies signed cooperation agreements to provide part-time job opportunities for Omanis through the platform, including Omantel, OQ Group, the German University of Technology, the Academy of Industrial Innovation, in addition to a number of emerging institutions and companies.

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