Ninth Session of Omani-Kuwaiti Joint Committee begins

Muscat: The 9th session of the Omani-Kuwaiti Joint Committee kicked off here today under the chairmanship of Sayyid Badr Hamad Al Busaidi, Foreign Minister and Sheikh Salim Abdullah Jabir Al Sabah, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Kuwait.

In his speech, Sayyid Badr said that the relations between Oman and Kuwait are advanced on all levels. He underscored the keenness of the two countries’ leaderships to continue developing those relations in diplomatic, economic, cultural, tourism and science fields. In addition, the two leaderships, he said, are keen to enhance technical cooperation and exchange experiences and expertise in a bid to hone the skills of human resources to keep pace with advanced technologies and best practices.

On his turn, Sheikh Salim affirmed the importance of the committee’s actions in enhancing bilateral cooperation in economic, cultural, science, arts and education fields, as well as promoting investment opportunities.

Sheikh Salim told Oman News Agency (ONA) that during the visit, several agreements will be inked with the prime aim of pushing the bilateral relations between Oman and Kuwait towards wider horizons. He called upon investors and Kuwait’s private sector to invest in the Sultanate of Oman, due to the available lucrative investment opportunities.

During the meeting, the joint minutes of the committee’s session were signed. Several topics of mutual interest were also discussed.

The joint Omani-Kuwaiti Committee was established in 2003 to boost cooperation and coordination in various fields. The committee’s agenda include discussing a range of topics, especially in economic, business, cultural, educational, scientific and technical spheres.

This cooperation comes within the framework of the two countries’ efforts to increase economic, social and cultural integration between Oman and Kuwait.

The session was attended from the Omani side by Khalid Hashil Al Muselhi, Head of the Minister’s Office Department, Sheikh Ahmed Hashil Al Maskari, Head of the GCC Department, Ambassador Yousef Said Al Amri, Head of the Arab Cooperation Department and Dr. Saleh Amir Al Kharousi, Ambassador of Oman to Kuwait.

Meanwhile, it was attended from the Kuwaiti side by Salim Ghassab Al Zamanan, Assistant Foreign Minister for GCC Affairs, Nawaf Abdul Latif Al Ahmad, Assistant Foreign Minister for Minister’s Office Affairs and Mohammed Nassir Al Hajri, Ambassador of Kuwait to Oman. – ONA

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