Nizwa Hospital expansion project worth OMR 30 million opened

Nizwa Hospital expansion project worth OMR 30 million inaugurated

Muscat: The Ministry of Health today celebrated the opening of Nizwa Reference Hospital’s expansion project carried out to the tune of RO 30 million.

The expansion takes up the hospital’s capacity to more than 555 beds—adding 245 new beds and 8 buildings on total area of 45,000 sqm. The first phase of the project was implemented under the supervision of the Royal Court Affairs.

The project reflects the government’s sincere efforts to meet the needs of citizen and enhance decentralization in accordance with the national strategy endorsed by Oman Vision 2040.

The opening ceremony was held under the auspices of Finance Minister Sultan Salim Al Habsi and attended by Health Minister Dr. Hilal Ali Al Sabti, among other officials.

At the ceremony, Dr. Ali Zayid Al Busaidi, Director of Nizwa Hospital highlighted the facilities included in this phase of expansion, namely Cardiac Catheterization Unit, Cardiac Care Unit (CCU), Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), Adult ICU, Endoscopy Unit, Day Care Unit, additional Operation Theaters, expanding of Emergency Department (first phase), and Outpatient Clinics.

He added that the expansion also included Radiology department by the addition of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Unit, bone-density test, and CT for emergency cases, along with admission wards and a full-fledged center for Training and Studies.

Dr. Al Busaidi pointed out that waiting lists for outpatient clinics and surgeries are shortened with the new expansion. He emphasized that this expansion will not only serve the Governorate of A’Dhakhiliya but also other neighboring governorates such as Al Wusta, North A’Sharqiya and A’Dhahira.

At the end of the ceremony, the chief guest and the attendees toured the expanded facilities where the project manager from Royal Court Affairs Eng. Yousuf Yaqoob Ambo Ali explained details of the project, new buildings and the additions of the expansion.

The expansion project includes the addition of (8) beds to the internal medicine ward (male and female), (14) beds to the maternity ward, (32) beds to male surgery ward, (6) beds to the stroke ward, (2) beds to the cardiac intensive care unit, (20) beds to the newly established Post Cardiac Cath Unit (PCCU), 8 beds to Adult ICU, (4) pediatric intensive care beds, and (11) NICU beds.

Moreover, a total capacity of (67) beds was added in specialized units such as the emergency department, delivery room, gynecology emergency, day care, dialysis unit, endoscopy and pain control, and operation and recovery theatres. The project increased further rooms for doctors and nursing and treatment in outpatient clinics up to (85) rooms.

As for Radiology department, the project introduced new services represented in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and bone-density test. Within the expansion, a second CT was installed in the department in addition to number of radiation devices such as X-ray, c-arm, fluoroscopy, mammogram, and mobile X-ray. – ONA

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