Nizwa Industrial City investments total reach RO 474 million

Nizwa: Nizwa Industrial City, affiliated to the Public Establishment for Industrial Estates (Madayn), has succeeded in localizing 4 projects during the first half of 2024, with an investment cost exceeding OMR 5.5 million, built on an area of ​​67,000 square meters.

Salah bin Nasser Al Alawi, the acting Director General of Nizwa Industrial City, said: The number of projects in the city has reached 173 projects, including 154 existing projects, 13 under construction, and 8 projects for which space has been allocated, so that the occupancy rate in the developed lands with an area of ​​3.1 million square meters reaches 76 percent of the total area of ​​the industrial city of 7.2 million square meters.

He added in a statement to the Oman News Agency that the total volume of investments in the industrial city amounted to about 474 million Omani riyals by the end of the first half of 2024, and the number of workers in it amounted to 5,707 workers, with an Omanization rate of 45 percent. Salah Al Alawi confirmed that Madayn completed several vital projects during the first half of 2024, most notably the food and building materials industries, as well as glass, wood, iron and steel.

There are also many oil and gas companies working in the fields of equipment maintenance and industries related to oil and gas. He explained that the industrial city hosts a number of small and medium enterprises that provide services to factories and workers, stressing that the industrial city is preparing to open several vital industrial projects, most notably a factory specializing in the manufacture of medical solutions (under construction), which will contribute to enhancing health security in the Sultanate of Oman.

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