North Al Sharqiyah is guest of honor in celebrating Omani Women’s Day

Ibra: North Al Sharqiyah Governorate will be the guest of honor in the Sultanate of Oman’s celebration of Omani Women’s Day, represented by the Ministry of Social Development, in the celebration held at the Oman Convention and Exhibition Center in Muscat Governorate during the period from 15 to 17 of this October.

The North Al Sharqiyah Governorate’s participation in the 14th anniversary of Omani Women’s Day comes as a guest of honor by holding a group of events under the title “Gratitude to the Women of Oman,” which include presenting a group of Omani women’s singing arts, most notably “the art of debauchery,” which a number of states in the governorate are famous for. And presenting a fashion show of traditional Omani women’s clothing from the governorate, and presenting segments highlighting a group of the governorate’s distinguished and glorious women in the culture and literature axis, in addition to presenting a student operetta entitled “Women of Oman, the Sunshine of Life” and a purposeful play about women in the governorate entitled “In My Heart is a Blue Bird.” .

This year, the Ministry of Social Development is celebrating by holding a poetry slam titled “A Woman from the Side of the Nation,” and holding an exhibition accompanying all the events on manuscripts and national documents for three days, in addition to organizing a critical dialogue session in the field of the novel about “Stars in the Sky of Omani Literature,” and holding a presentation.

A play titled “Nominate Me” presented by the Rustaq Theater Troupe, in addition to the Ministry’s celebration of honoring “30” female figures in the field of culture and literature in “poetry, theatre, novels, manuscripts and national documents.” This is in addition to presenting an operetta of four performance artistic paintings inspired by The Omani literary and cultural field, with the participation of a number of Omani poets, and the celebration concludes with the launch of a number of initiatives to support Omani women and enhance their role in society.

It is worth noting that the Ministry of Social Development’s celebration of Omani Women’s Day this year comes with the aim of highlighting the efforts and contributions of women in the cultural and literary axis, specifically in the field of poetry, novels, theater and manuscripts, and encouraging institutions and individuals to launch initiatives supporting women, and activating programs and events accompanying the celebration, in addition to honoring glorious women. And achievements in the field of culture and literature.

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