OETC completes Saih al Khairat Grid Station project worth RO 13 million

Thumrait: Oman Electricity Transmission Company (OETC) has announced the successful completion of a significant project in Saih Al Khairat in the Governorate of Dhofar: the 132/33kV grid station, situated approximately 80km from Thamrait.

The project includes the installation of 6 bays of 132kV GIS, 2 125MVA Transformers, 4 bays of 33kV GIS switchgear, as well as telecom and security infrastructure. Additionally, a 91km overhead transmission line has been constructed, connecting the Thumrait grid station to the Saih Al Khairat grid station, with a total investment of approximately RO 13 million.

This project represents a strategic investment by OETC, aimed at meeting the future electricity demands of the Governorate of Dhofar. It will ensure a stable and reliable power supply for various industries, including poultry farms, agriculture farms, and manufacturing units.

Eng. Khaled Marhoon Al Harmali, OETC Project Manager, pointed out that the importance of this project lies in its alignment with Oman’s plan to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. This will be accomplished by connecting the region to the Dhofar grid, resulting in the saving of 42.3 million liters of diesel fuel annually and the elimination of environmental pollution from the production of 114,000 tons of carbon dioxide gas.

Al Harmali further added that the Saih Al Khairat Grid Station will play a crucial role in mitigating pollution and reducing operational expenses. Additionally, it will facilitate the integration of rural areas into the electricity network of the Dhofar Governorate.

It is worth mentioning that OETC, member of Nama Group is the only company responsible for the transmission and control of electricity in the Sultanate of Oman’s network, where electricity is transferred from production stations to distributed load centers in all governorates of Oman.

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