OHRC Follows up, Praises Electoral Process

Muscat: Oman Human Rights Commission (OHRC) followed up the progress of Shura Council’s 10th Term Elections conducted via the electronic voting app “Antakhib”.

A team from the commission today visited the main venue of elections at the Ministry of Interior, where it was briefed about the progress of the voting.

The commission commended the advanced manner through which the elections are carried out. It took note of the ongoing digital transition, the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) and the services offered by the Ministry of Interior.

The ministry provides indices of automated counting on Voting Day, the percentage of voting in each wilayat, age and gender groups of voters, lists of candidates and voters, as well as the verification of the same by consulting the electoral register, the OHRC team observed.

It pointed out that these procedures facilitate the election process and encourage public participation in the elections.

In particular, the OHRC valued the disabled’s access to the voting process through the speech-to-text technique that helps the blind and the sign language option for other segments of the disabled.

The OHRC affirmed that it has not received any reports of people being deprived of the rights to candidacy or voting, which constitute core rights of citizenship that are guaranteed by the Basic Law of the State, the national laws and regional and international agreements and conventions. – ONA

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