Oman Achieves Advanced Rank in ICAO Global Reporting Format

Oman Achieves Advanced Rank in ICAO Global Reporting Format
Oman Achieves Advanced Rank in ICAO Global Reporting Format

Muscat (ONA): The Sultanate of Oman, represented by Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), scored 100% and achieved an advanced rank at an international level after the successful implementation of the ICAO Global Reporting Format (GRF) for Runway Surface Condition Assessment and Reporting

A new Global Reporting Format (GRF) for runway surface condition assessment and reporting became applicable as of 4 November 2021 for all ICAO contracting countries.

The GRF is a globally harmonized methodology that is intended to be the only reporting format for international aviation with the objective of reducing runway excursions, which continues to be the most common form of aviation accidents.

The harmonization of the assessment and reporting of runway surface conditions will not only benefit runway safety, but also efficiency and environment impact through improved decision-making, fewer runway closures and better air traffic management.

In alignment with ICAO new requirements, the CAA started the process to implement the GRF as of early 2021, in close coordination with ICAO Middle East office at Cairo.

The CAA established a national implementation plan, updating Oman’s regulatory framework, and conducting appropriate training for involved stakeholders and safety risk assessment.

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