Oman affirms ‘unwavering support’ for rights of Palestinian people

Geneva:  The Sultanate of Oman affirmed its firm position on the need to end the Israeli occupation and its unwavering support for all the rights of the Palestinian people and the recognition of their independent and sovereign state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital and full rights in accordance with what was approved by international legitimacy resolutions and the Arab peace initiative and the withdrawal of Israel from The occupied Arab lands, including the Syrian Golan and the Lebanese territories.

This came in a statement by the Sultanate of Oman at the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, within the framework of the interactive dialogue on the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Palestine and the Arab territories occupied since 1967 (item VII), delivered by Ambassador Idris bin Abdul Rahman Al-Khanjari, Permanent Representative of the Sultanate of Oman. At the United Nations and international organizations in Geneva.

The Sultanate of Oman commended the position of the Special Rapporteur, who in her report considers the occupation regime to be irreparable and calls for an end to the occupation, which is the cause of all tragedies in the occupied Arab lands, especially Palestine.

In this context, the Sultanate of Oman supported what was stated in the report and its call on the international community to, inter alia, punish the occupying power by all legal, diplomatic and economic means authorized by international law without discrimination and to desist from the policy of double standards and double standards.

In the statement of the 53rd session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, the Sultanate of Oman reiterated its condemnation and denunciation of the crimes committed in Jenin, which are a continuation of the Israeli occupation and its repeated crimes in the Palestinian territories, affirming the compatibility of the Omani view with the conclusions of the Special Rapporteur and saluting her for her courage and standing on the side of truth.

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