Oman Air signs sponsorship agreement with Chelsea FC

Muscat: Oman Air has announced a monumental new sponsorship deal with Chelsea FC that will see Oman Air become the club’s global airline partner for the next three years.

Chelsea FC is one of the highest-ranking clubs in the English Premier League (EPL), which ranks among the most popular football leagues in the world, garnering a seasonal audience of over 3 billion. The highlights of the partnership include specially designed co-branded livery, which will be unveiled towards the end of the year, as well as joint promotional content and CSR campaigns.

“We are extremely proud of this valuable collaboration, which not only celebrates the love for football but also presents a remarkable opportunity to showcase the beauty, culture and hospitality of Oman to Chelsea’s extensive fan base. With an astonishing 135 million fans, 85% of whom are in international markets, we are offered an unparalleled platform to cultivate awareness of Oman in new markets across the globe, much beyond match days,” said Eng. Abdulaziz Al Raisi, Chief Executive Officer of Oman Air.

“This partnership marks an exciting new chapter and we are honoured to be associated with such a formidable team, while elevating Oman’s position as a must-visit tourist destination,” Al Raisi added.

Meanwhile, Chelsea FC chief executive, Chris Jurasek, expressed his delight at the partnership deal. He said, “We are very pleased to welcome Oman Air as our Official Airline Partner. He added, “We have a shared ambition for innovation and success both on and off the pitch, and we are excited to bring this partnership to life for our fans around the world.”

Oman Air has a long track record in sports sponsorships. Besides having an ongoing partnership with Oman Football Association that spans over a decade, the airline also backs Oman Sail, Oman Golf Association, Oman Desert Marathon, Oman’s Paralympic Team and others.

As a key player in Oman’s tourism strategy, Oman Air continues to explore opportunities to promote Oman as a preferred tourist destination for visitors from around the world.

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