Oman Airports to Organize Largest Aviation Hackathon “AEROHACK” at OCEC

Muscat: Oman Airports will organize tomorrow Tuesday “AEROHACK from Oman Airports” at Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre, which is the first hackathon of its kind in the Sultanate of Oman that is related to developing ideas in the airport sector.

This event aims to attract an elite group of innovators, technology developers, designers, students, start-ups, small and medium-sized companies, and university students.

Oman Airports seeks to adhere to its national commitment in promoting innovation in transportation projects, while exploring new horizons in terms of constructive partnerships with industry innovators.

AEROHACK revolves around a set of innovative themes and topics, including reimagining passenger experiences and airport operations, the future of airport entertainment, excellence in marketing and communications, customer loyalty programs, automation, efficiency and cost-reduction solutions.

The primary focus will be on sustainability and expanding transportation options outside the airport, and enhancing safety, security and electronic privacy – which are areas wherein the participating teams presented their ideas.

Oman Airports began early preparations for AEROHACK on 16 July, 2023 and the registration of participating teams ran until 31 August, 2023. The ideas were evaluated on 3 September, 2023 and the 50 most innovative ideas were selected.

Subsequently, the owners of the 50 ideas were contacted and encouraged to develop them and resubmit them by 19 September, 2023. The second stage of selection was on 24 September, 2023 when the best 15 ideas were selected, after which intensive workshops were held for the 15 teams to develop and reformulate their ideas during the period from 26-28 September, 2023.

The 15 teams that qualify for the finals of the event will undergo an intensive experience during the two continuous days before the end of the program, to develop and formulate their ideas through workshops and guidance provided by specialists in the fields of developing ideas and commercial projects.They will present their final presentations before the jury on the second day of the event. – ONA

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