Oman and Republic of Korea sign MoU on Green Energy Transition

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman today signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Republic of Korea in the field of green energy transition.

Oman was represented by the Ministry of Energy and Minerals, while Korea was represented by the Ministry of Environment.

The MoU, signed in Muscat, reflects the advanced status of bilateral relations and the two countries’ keenness to consolidate cooperation in green transition.

The MoU was signed by Eng. Salim Nasser Al Aufi, Minister of Energy and Minerals, and Han Hwa-jin, Minister of Environment in Korea.

The MoU seeks to achieve better understanding of green transition policies and technologies, discuss various aspects of cooperation between the two countries’ governmental and industrial establishments, organizations and research institutions, and enhance coordination between the two sides during respective forums around the world.

The MoU encourages the two countries to cooperate in devising green transition policies and programmes and developing technologies for environment conservation during the production, storage, delivery and use of green energy. It also provides for building capacities to respond to the climate crisis.

The MoU covers cooperation in industries that contribute to green transition, research activities, development affairs and other areas related to green transition.

Oman is developing strategic plans for energy transition to help cut down carbon emissions, strike a balance between sustainable development and climate change, benefit from clean technology and diversify sources of energy in line with the global 2050 carbon neutrality goals.

The Ministry of Energy and Minerals is also embarked on forging local and international partnerships that contribute to achieving the country’s transition to green energy.

Towards this end, the ministry took practical steps by introducing clean energy projects and launching green hydrogen investment packages. – ONA

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