Oman announces monthly allowance for scholarship students studying at private higher education institutions

Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education

Oman’s Ministry of Higher Education issues statement on monthly allowance for scholarship students

Muscat: The Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation published a statement on the monthly allowances for internal scholarship students studying at private higher education institutions.

In implementation of the generous royal orders of His Majesty the Sultan to grant internal scholarship students studying at private higher education institutions who are eligible – according to the principles applied by the National Support System Committee – monthly allowances starting from the academic year 2024/2025.

The Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation is currently working in coordination with the National Support System Committee to prepare an electronic link on the National Support System website to receive applications from internal scholarship students studying at private higher education institutions who meet the eligibility condition, which is the family income level according to the standard currently used to qualify for electricity support approved in the National Support System, which links the income level to an amount of OMR 1,250 per month according to the number of family members.

The eligibility criteria for receiving monthly allowances are based on family income and distance from the educational institution. Students who meet the eligibility requirements will receive allowances ranging from OMR 45 to OMR 90 per month, depending on their distance from the institution. The Ministry will announce the opening of the online application link once all necessary preparations are complete.

After completing all coordination aspects for students, the Ministry will announce the opening of the link on the National Support System website to begin submitting their applications. Therefore, students are requested to follow the announcements issued by the Ministry in this regard.

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