Oman Astronomical Society organizes 14th family astronomical camp to introduce astronomical culture

Al Hamra: The Oman Astronomical Society organized the activities of the family astronomical camp in its 14th edition, with the participation of more than 300 participants from family members from various governorates of the Sultanate of Oman.

The event aims to spread the culture of astronomy among citizens and inform them of the ancestral heritage and what Omanis have distinguished since ancient times in tracking stars and constellations and using them in various astronomical calculations such as agriculture, falaj and sea riding, in addition to getting to know the various tourist sites and encouraging domestic tourism in the Sultanate of Oman.

A number of astronomical events for children and adults will participate in the three-day camp at Jabal Shams Resort, including: introducing astronomical devices, an astrophotography competition, observing astronomical objects using astronomical binoculars, and a sunset photography competition.

The camp also includes visual presentations and educational programs for the participants, during which the sun’s disk is observed with a solar telescope, a meteor search competition, and a young astronomer’s workshop.

The organization of the camp provides an opportunity for the participating families to benefit from the valuable information provided by the Oman Astronomical Society in the field of astronomy and space sciences through lectures or theoretically by identifying stars, planets, nebulae and galaxies using the Society’s astronomical observatory in Jebel Shams or astronomical binoculars.

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