Oman begins to receive marriage application of Omanis to Foreigners Online

Muscat: The Supreme Judicial Council, represented by the Notary Public Departments, begins to receive all requests to issue marriage certificates for Omanis to foreigners electronically via the link

The statement of the Supreme Judicial Council said that the Departments of Notaries will undertake the documentation and finalize procedures for the marriage of Omanis to foreigners in accordance with Royal Decree No. 23/2023 and the Civil Transactions Law (29/2013) and in accordance with what was stipulated in the provisions of Islamic Sharia, in addition to the controls referred to by the decree for the issue of regulating marriage for some public functions of importance or special nature, the statement indicated the importance of observing the laws of other countries regarding the marriage of their citizens.

The statement of the Supreme Judicial Council indicated that the cases of marriage of Omanis to foreigners that took place before the issuance of the Royal Decree (23/2023 AD) will be dealt with as follows:

First: For cases that have a marriage contract from a foreign country that is approved by the Oman’s Foreign Ministry, or those that have a marriage contract from a foreign country that is authenticated with the international seal APOSTILLE, they must fill out the electronic marriage form, attach the internationally certified APOSTILLE contract, and the presence of both parties to the marriage contract with the two witnesses before the notary office.

Second: In cases that have a marriage contract from a foreign country that is not authenticated by the Oman’s Foreign Ministry, they must first have the contract authenticated by the Oman’s Foreign Ministry, then fill out the Electronic marriage form and attach the marriage contract attested by the Oman’s Foreign Ministry or the international certified contract APOSTILLE, and the presence of the both parties to the marriage contract with the two witnesses before the notary’s office.

Third: In case that have a judicial ruling, they must seal the ruling in the executive form, bring the approval of the embassy of the foreign party, fill out the electronic marriage form, attach the judicial ruling, and the presence of the two parties to the marriage contract, the spouses, and the witnesses before the notary office.

Fourth: Cases that have a customary marriage contract or do not have a contract must fill out the electronic marriage form and attach the approval of the embassy of the foreign party, ​​along with the birth certificates of children, if any, and proof that the customary marriage contract took place before the date of April 26, 2023, and the presence of the spouses with the two witnesses before the notary office.

As for the cases of marriage of Omanis to foreigners that took place after the Royal Decree (23/2023 ), the contract will be issued directly if the marriage took place inside the Sultanate of Oman, and in all cases the foreign party must bring the approval of his country’s embassy in application of the provisions of Article 12 of the Civil Transactions Law.

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