Oman-British Business conference in London tomorrow


London:  The commercial attaché at the Embassy of the Sultanate of Oman in the United Kingdom in London, in cooperation with the Business Center at the University of West London, will organize a trade conference the day after tomorrow, Thursday, with the participation of the Oman Investment Authority and its subsidiaries concerned with economic diversification.

The conference aims to shed light on investment opportunities in the Sultanate and introduce the various sectors available for investment. With the aim of achieving economic diversification through the logistics, tourism, mining, food security and fisheries sectors.

The government companies will showcase the incentives offered by the Omani market to investors, the incentives of the investor residency program and the related services.

It will also announce the provision of “Invest in Oman” services by opening a commercial registry, granting an affiliation certificate, and licensing activity for the first time directly from the Omani embassy in London, as well as opening a bank account for individual investors and companies from the embassy in London, and introducing the services of Credit Oman – Export Credit Agency – and the services and facilities it provides to individual and corporate investors.

Each participating government company will give a visual presentation on investment opportunities in its sector, and give an overview of the current performance of all companies, namely: (Omran), (Asyad), (Nataj), (Oman Fish Development), and (Oman Minerals Development) and (Credit Oman).

The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion announces the services and facilities provided by the (Invest in Oman) center directly from the embassy in London.

Bank Sohar will present the products and facilities it will offer to the investors.

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