Oman Broadband Signs Agreements, MoUs in Telecommunications and Information Technology

Muscat: Oman Broadband company has signed a number of agreements and MoUs with local and international companies, to enhance joint cooperation and boost economic integration in the telecommunications and information technology sector.

The first agreement was inked between Oman Broadband and OQ Group, with the aim of making OQ’s optical fiber infrastructure accessible to Oman Broadband, while considering the operational and commercial aspects of both entities.

This agreement was signed by Eng. Said Abdullah Mohammed Al Mandhari, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oman Broadband, and Eng. Mansour Ali Mansour Al Abdali, Managing Director at OQ Gas Networks.

The second agreement is between Oman Broadband company and Oman Airports Management Company (Oman Airports). As per the agreement, Oman Broadband will install and provide a fiber optic network in all airports of Oman. This step aims at ensuring the provision of telecommunication services in accordance with international standards for licensed telecommunications service providers in the Sultanate of Oman. This agreement was signed by Eng. Said Abdullah Mohammed Al Mandhari, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oman Broadband, and Dr. Moamen Abdullah Al Busaidi, Chief Information Officer at Oman Airports.

A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed between Oman Broadband and Go Lands. Signed by Eng. Said Abdullah Mohammed Al Mandhari, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oman Broadband, and Eng. Elias Al Harthy – representative of Go Lands.

This MoU aims at including the fiber optic networks maps in the Go Land Application to make it easier for users to identify the broadband coverage.

Another MoU was inked between Oman Broadband and Mohsin Haider Darwish ITICS Company and QuadGen Communications Solutions and FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies.

This MoU aims at conducting studies related to the development of fiber optic network technologies, in order to ensure all parties are aligned with future changes in the industry, while providing the best and latest solutions to customers in the Sultanate of Oman.

The MoU was signed by Eng. Said Abdullah Mohammed Al Mandhari, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Oman Broadband, Jayaprakash Menon, Chief Executive Officer of Mohsin Haider Darwish ITICS, Utyendra Zaalani, General Manager of Sales at Quadgen Communications Solutions, and Bruce Gao, the Regional Head of FiberHome Telecommunication Technologies.

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