Oman: Camping prohibited on Al Azaiba Beach and Al Ghubra Beach

Muscat Municipality on Wednesday said it has monitored a number of violations against the owners of camping activities and due to more complaints of community members, the municipality has prohibited camping in this two areas in Bausher.

In a statement Muscat Municipality: “In view of the abuses and violations that were monitored against the owners of camping activities and the complaints of community members; Muscat Municipality would like to inform you that camping is prohibited in Al-Athaiba Beach and Al-Ghubra Beach in the Wilayat of Bausher, and thus these two sites are outside the scope of the areas included in the camping form available on the Muscat Municipality website.”

Earlier in November, the municipality has announced the activation of the reception of camping permits within the conditions and controls that stipulate that camping is not permitted, whether in caravans, tents or sessions for a period of more than 48hours, except with a permit from the competent service directorate, and after paying an insurance fee of 100 OMR, and the license is for a period of seven nights, subject to extension.

Those wishing to benefit from the service can refer to the concerned directorate in the Wilayat and bring the ID card for individuals application, and the CR for commercial activities applications.


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