Oman Cement Appoints Zhu Yaping as New CEO

image : OCC
image : OCC

Oman Cement Company would like to inform its respected shareholders that the board has approved the appointment of Mr. Zhu Yaping as the CEO of the company with immediate effect.

This appointment follows the retirement of Mr. Salim Abdullah Al Hajri as the CEO of the company.

Mr. Zhu Yaping

Is a highly experienced professional in the cement industry, with more than 30 years of experience and a distinguished academic background. He holds a Master of Science in Control Theory and Engineering from Wuhan University of Technology, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Nanjing Aeronautics Institute. Mr. Zhu Yaping has been actively contributed to the cement industry and has held various management positions, including corporate maintenance manager and General Manager of Huaxin Maintenance Company. He has a proven track record of increasing revenue, implementing standard maintenance systems, and driving operational excellence. Prior to his appointment as the CEO of Oman Cement Company, he served as the head of Cement Industrial Performance, where he focused on building an Industrial Performance Driving & Supporting System.

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