Oman Climbs To 69th Position From 79th In Global Innovation Index 2023


Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman advanced 10 places in Global Innovation Index 2023 report, issued by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

Oman now ranks 69th globally in a scale of 132 countries shortlisted in accordance with 7 enabler pillars. Oman’s best performance was made in two enabler pillars: “Human Capital and Research” and “Infrastructure”.

The results of the report showed the Sultanate of Oman’s progress in innovation sub-indices at a rate of 9 places.

Oman was thus placed among the top 20 countries in the world in 5 sub-indices as follows: It occupied 2nd place globally in the sub-index titled “percentage of science and engineering graduates” (out of the total number of graduates); the 9th place globally in the “percentage of government spending per student”; the 16th place globally in the “availability of information and communication systems technologies”; the 19th place globally in the “business enabler policies” and also the 19th place globally in the “work productivity” sub-index. (In particular, Oman’s performance in this last sub-index—the “work productivity” sub-index–jumped 93 places globally, as compared to its performance in 2022).

The report also indicated Oman’s progress in 17 sub-indices, where the country’s performance ranged between 24 and 93 ranks, compared its performance in 2022. For example, Oman advanced in the index of GDP patents by origin over one billion dollars by jumping 73 places. Oman advanced 26 places in the knowledge production index; 24 places in the knowledge dissemination index and 24 places in the high-tech exports as a ratio of total trade index. – ONA

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