Oman completes procedures for registering wind energy project with IRECs

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by Nama Power and Water Procurement Company, has completed the special procedures for registering the wind energy project located in the Dhofar Governorate with a production capacity of 50 megawatts with the International Renewable Energy Certification Organization (I-REC Standard) to issue energy certificates. Renewable (I-REC).

Ahmed bin Salem Al Abri, Acting CEO of Nama Power and Water Procurement Company, said: The registration of this project and the resulting renewable energy certificates are the first of its kind in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and it is expected that these certificates will contribute to strengthening the Sultanate of Oman’s plans to achieve zero neutrality in 2050, by selling these certificates to local institutions.

He added that the percentage of electricity generation through renewable energy will be no less than 30 percent by 2030, and 39 percent by 2040, and the company has prepared and implemented a comprehensive plan to achieve these goals, as it is expected that the percentage of renewable energy in the Sultanate will reach Oman to 31 percent by 2030.

He pointed out that Nama Power and Water Procurement Company proceeded to register the wind energy project located in Dhofar Governorate with the International Renewable Energy Certification Organization, and was able to issue renewable energy certificates for this project, in response to the noticeable demand for these certificates from the local market, and various entities and companies are seeking to purchase These certificates are used to reduce their carbon emissions, in an effort to attract investment in this sector and enhance the optimal use of renewable energy resources.

He pointed out that the company is proceeding to launch its first auction during the month of October to sell renewable energy certificates attributed to the wind station in Dhofar Governorate, in coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Minerals and the Public Services Regulatory Authority, which will allow local institutions the opportunity to purchase these international certificates and exploit them to reduce their emissions as well as prove their use of energy. renewable energy in its business operations.

It is worth noting that this registration is the first of its kind in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries for a wind energy production station, and confirms the company’s interest in achieving comprehensive benefit from renewable energy projects, and is in line with the Sultanate of Oman’s directions to enhance the efficiency of renewable energy projects, and enhance the Sultanate of Oman’s tireless efforts to At the commercial and environmental levels to achieve zero neutrality.

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