Oman concludes its participation in UNFSS+2

Rome: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, today concluded its participation in the UN Food Systems Summit + 2 (UNFSS+2). The summit was held at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) at the Italian capital, Rome.

Dr. Saud Hamoud Al Habsi, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, Head of Oman’s delegation participating in the summit, said in a speech, “UN Food Systems Summit + 2” provides an opportunity for countries to review and evaluate what has been achieved during the past two years, and explore ways of success, as well as reviewing implementation priorities to bridge the gaps and find appropriate solutions to the challenges facing food systems”.

He added that global changes and international, economic and health crises confirmed the fragility of food systems, and highlighted the challenges facing the reality and future of food systems in the world at large. Thus, intensifying efforts is urgently required to find practical solutions to these challenges at the global, regional and local levels.

The minister pointed out that the Sultanate of Oman has taken a set of measures represented in implementing a spectrum of initiatives, the most important of which are: the expansion of agricultural investment projects based on specialized farms and fish farming and the promotion of in-country value (ICV) by employing technology and enhancing the sustainability of natural resources with the aim of raising self-sufficiency rates for locally produced commodities, as well as developing initiatives for projects that attract youth and enhancing the role of women by encouraging digitization and the use of technological innovation in the production chain.

He explained that the Sultanate of Oman has taken, among its initiatives, responsible policies towards promoting carbon neutrality by 2050 by implementing projects related to green hydrogen and clean energy, in addition addressing challenges of water scarcity according to priorities that work to deliver potable water through networks of desalination plants to all governorates of the Sultanate of Oman.

He further said that within the government’s initiative to stabilize the price of wheat and animal feed, it exempted about 513 food commodities from VAT by (100%) and reduced energy prices, in addition to the initiative of wheat production plan in a bid to expand investments directed for wheat cultivation and supporting the purchase of the locally produced wheat crop.

It is worth noting that the summit discussed the progress achieved in commitment to food systems action to identify successes, ongoing crises, and priorities to bridge implementation gaps through the effective application of means to transform food systems. – ONA

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