Oman: Council of Ministers issues Statement on Social Protection Law, Related Schemes

Muscat: The Council of Ministers today issued a statement on the promulgation of the Social Protection Law and the bylaws of the Social Protection Fund and the Pension Fund of Military and Security Apparatuses.

The statement reads as follows: “The Council of Ministers is honoured to extend thanks and gratitude to His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik for issuing the Social Protection Law and bylaws for the Social Protection Fund and the Pension Fund of Military and Security Apparatuses. This Royal gesture embodies His Majesty the Sultan’s attention to upgrade standards of Omani people’s social life. It reflects a sustainable vision that provides coverage and social protection for different segments of society in a way that achieves the goals of Oman Vision 2040.

The Council of Ministers expresses its thanks to the Council of Oman and the ministerial committee formed to supervise all necessary procedures for merging pension funds and conducting necessary studies to restructure, develop and devise integrated policies for the social protection system.

The Council of Ministers extends its appreciation to the subcommittees, the team that undertakes the project, as well as the representatives of production parties. It commends the efforts made by all parties that helped shape the laws in their final form.

The Council of Ministers affirms its constant keenness to follow up the performance and effectiveness of the Social Protection Scheme and all its related programmes, services and policies. The Cabinet will keep evaluating, enhancing and improving the programmes to accommodate economic and social developments and help keep pace with the best international practices in the field. – ONA

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