Oman: Green Hydrogen Summit Exhibition Kicks off today at OCEC

Muscat: Activities of the Green Hydrogen Summit kicked off at Oman Convention and Exhibition Centre in Muscat today.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was held under the patronage of Eng. Salim Nasser Al Awfi, Minister of Energy and Minerals, who underscored the importance of the hydrogen sector in transitioning carbon-based energy to renewable and clean energy.

He added that hydrogen is one of the outputs or derivatives of clean energy and can be used to export solar energy and wind energy to local industries and to the rest of the world.

Al Awfi added in a statement that green hydrogen will create an economy parallel to the oil and gas economy currently existing in the Sultanate of Oman. He described the participation in the exhibition as very excellent in terms of local and international companies, whether in manufacturing processes or technology-bringing operations. He explained that the student competitions came with new ideas contributing to the development of the idea and concept of renewable energy and hydrogen energy.

The minister further said that the hydrogen projects will contribute to achieving the Sultanate of Oman’s zero-neutral strategy, as the zero-neutral strategy will not be achieved unless there is a clean alternative to the energy currently used. He explained that the clean alternative is renewable energy for electricity and hydrogen for local gas-dependent industries, and therefore the existence of hydrogen is essential to the energy transition and zero neutrality by 2050.

The three-day event was launched through the opening of an accompanying exhibition in which 30 local and international specialized establishments are taking part. The establishments showcase their projects, programmes and modern technologies in the field of green hydrogen. This promotes the exchange of experiences and provides a platform for advances in the field.

Through its pavilion at the exhibition, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals displays the tasks it undertakes in the field of green hydrogen and available investment opportunities. It also introduces the National Strategy for Energy Transition and the most important minerals that enter into the production of green hydrogen technologies.

Oman seeks to become one of the leading countries in the production of green hydrogen in the world. Accordingly, the Ministry of Energy and Minerals worked on developing a strategy to ensure the growth of a green hydrogen economy.

The ministry also embarks on promoting this sector due to its positive role in the context of energy resources diversification. The sector also constitutes an opportunity for Omani and global companies to cooperate and participate in supporting energy security and realizing economic diversification.

A dialogue session, organized for participants in the summit, takes up a number of key issues in the green hydrogen value chain. These include ways of striking a balance between short-term energy security goals and long-term sustainable goals, common tracks of energy transition, the importance of decarbonization, the role of green hydrogen in energy diversification and its contribution to global energy security. The session will also discuss green hydrogen as a means of economic development and environmental sustainability, as well as challenges and opportunities in the hydrogen sector and the development and sustainability of green hydrogen production.

The main event of the green hydrogen summit conference, titled “Strategy and Technology” will kick off tomorrow (Tuesday).

The Green Hydrogen Summit represents an extension of the role undertaken by the ministry, acting in cooperation with its partners, to enhance policies of the in-country value (ICV) chain. It seeks to localize industries related to the hydrogen sector, empower strategic studies, research and development and develop national capacity building, in addition to fostering community awareness about clean energy. -ONA

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