Oman has more than 400 electric cars, 100 charging stations


The number of electric cars in the Sultanate of Oman exceeds 400 cars and 100 charging stations

Muscat: The number of electric cars in the Sultanate of Oman exceeded 400, amid ongoing action to enable new car dealers to import eletric vehicle (EVs) directly from manufacturers.

Eng. Khamis Mohammed Al Shamakhi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Information Technology for Transport, explained that there are initiatives to manufacture electric cars in the Special Economic Zone in Duqm, at a time when the number of EV charging stations has reached 100 now, and it is hoped that during the next two years it will reach to 300 stations in all governorates of the Sultanate of Oman.

Al Shamakhi pointed out that a list of such facilities has been approved by the relevant authorities to help meet the growing demand for electric cars which, he said are being marketed by automobile agents. The high cost of the EVs remains the only pending issue, ongoing attempts are being made to enable new agents to import less expensive, safe and high-quality EVs, he affirmed.

Al Shamakhi explained that the use of EVs fits with the Sultanate of Oman’s drive to achieve zero carbon neutrality by 2050, noting that the transport sector represents is responsible for 18 percent of Oman’s greenhouse gas emissions.

Al Shamakhi stated that 60 percent of emissions from the transport sector come from light cars, while the rest of the percentage is distributed among heavy cars, trucks, and the maritime transport sector. If the aviation sector is added, the percentage will reach 25 percent of the total emissions in the Sultanate of Oman, explaining that the plan is gradual to reach to zero carbon neutrality.

Al Shamakhi stressed that the Sultanate of Oman is committed to the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Towards this goal, Oman keeps holding conferences and the signing agreements, following its proclamation of zero carbon emissions by 2050. noting that the Sultanate of Oman to take part in UN Climate Change Conference “COP 28” in Dubai at the end of November 2023.

He added that the event will provide an opportunity to highlight Oman’s efforts and initiatives aimed at cutting down carbon emissions for the realization of a sustainable future.

Al Shamakhi said that the Ministry is working with the International Maritime Organization to update some regulations to comply with global trends, and work is underway to join the amended agreements in the maritime sector that fall under them to preserve the marine environment and reduce pollution and emissions of harmful gases.

On the other hand, Al Shamakhi pointed out that Omani is considering a green transit corridor initiative for heavy vehicles, noting that the corridor is envisaged to link Sohar Port to the oil concession areas.

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