Oman Hosts 20th Meeting of GCC Joint Defense Council

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman hosted the twentieth meeting of the GCC Joint Defense Council under the chairmanship of HH Sayyid Shihab bin Tarik Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense Affairs.

The meeting saw the participation of ministers of Defense; heads of delegations to the GCC Joint Defense Council and the GCC Secretary General.

The meeting, which was held at Al Bustan Palace Hotel in Muscat today, discussed a set of topics of common interest among the ministries of defense in the GCC countries, and ways to enhance cooperation and military action among them.

HH Sayyid Shihab bin Tarik Al Said, Deputy Prime Minister for Defense Affairs, Chairman of the meeting, said in his speech: “As you all know, our countries are on the path to significant progress within the framework of existing cooperation, achieving accomplishments in various fields, the most important of which is military cooperation. Our meeting in Muscat today is a continuation of previous meetings, in order to review the accomplishments and outcomes achieved in the joint Gulf military field to continue the joint efforts, and translate the lofty and noble goals set by our leaders, Their Majesties and Highnesses. We are all determined to with improving and upgrading the capabilities of the armed forces of the GCC countries in order to achieve the common goals that we aspire to, and to contribute further to strengthening the process of joint cooperation among the GCC countries.”

The Deputy Prime Minister for Defense Affairs added: “The agenda for our meeting today covers important topics that include the recommendations of the Supreme Military Committee for the Chiefs of Staff, to study and reach appropriate decisions towards them, which we seek to contribute to strengthening the process of cooperation in a manner that achieves all of our ambitions in various defense fields.” Jassim Mohammed Al Budaiwi, GCC Secretary-General, said: “The joint military action of Their Majesties and Highnesses; the GCC leaders, receives all the attention, care and support, out of the belief in the bonds of cohesion binding the GCC countries, and in recognition of the responsibility of the armed forces in the GCC countries to secure their security, stability and territorial integrity. The GCC leaders always stress the necessity and importance of strengthening this victorious Gulf march in a way that enables them to confront various present and future challenges and threats, and looking forward to continued concerted efforts in the areas of joint military action, to achieve common security, protect the GCC states, and maintain their stability.”

He also commended the great role played by the armed forces of the GCC countries, the high efficiency and distinguished capabilities they enjoy, the discipline, professionalism, dedication and sincerity of the personnel of those forces in performing the tasks assigned to them, and their distinguished performance in coordinating and managing military operations, training and joint exercises.”

At the conclusion, the meeting came out with a number of important decisions and recommendations that will be presented to Their Majesties and Highnesses at the next GCC summit.  – ONA

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