Oman launches National Organ Donation Awareness Campaign on Monday

Muscat:  The Ministry of Health, in cooperation with the Omani Association for Organ Transplantation to launch the “National  Organ Donation Awareness Campaign “, on Monday, in conjunction with the Omani Organ Donation Day, which falls on the 19th of December.

The campaign aims to educate community members about the importance of organ donation because it is a humanitarian act, a generous initiative, and the appropriate solution to treat organic failure such as kidney failure, liver failure, and other vital organs that millions of patients suffer from worldwide.

Organ donation represents a humanitarian message and a saving of human lives, and a service provided by the donor to end the suffering of a patient who has been in pain for years and years, through which the donor obtains a great reward in this world and the hereafter. Organ donation is carried out according to controls and procedures determined by medicine, law and Sharia.

The ministerial decision issued by the Ministry of Health in March last year came to establish the national program to organize the transfer and transplantation of human organs and tissues and to develop this service by completing all components of the program, including educating the community on the importance of organ donation, whether during life or after death, since the human being is the only source of organs as well as Develop clinical, ethical and clinical evidence and protocols and create a database that includes the registration of all patients in need of organ transplantation and placing them on a unified national waiting list.

The importance of establishing the program comes to develop and organize the transplantation of human organs and tissues, which is one of the most complex and difficult fields and one of the biggest challenges facing health systems, through which coordination takes place between many agencies and specialists to deal with the challenges and find solutions to them.

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