Oman launches Unified Contracts Initiative


Muscat: The General Directorate of Studies and Development at the Consumer Protection Authority (CPA), has launched the Unified Contracts Initiative targeting multiple sectors in the Sultanate of Oman to continuously develop all services provided to consumers and facilitate all existing procedures in the market.

The initiative raises awareness of the unified contract and its means of implementation, with a focus on the sectors of aluminium workshops, kitchens, and electrical and electronic goods.

The initiative seeks to introduce both the supplier and consumer to their respective rights during and after the purchase process, provide consumer security in the Sultanate’s markets, combat all forms of commercial fraud, reduce negative practices, identify consumer problems, and provide solutions to them.

Additionally, the initiative aims to reduce complaints and problems that consumers may encounter and improve the quality of consumer awareness programs offered by the Oman’s CPA.

The initiative will be implemented in two phases. The first phase involves drafting, reviewing, and approving contracts, followed by the application of the contracts to commercial establishments and institutions in the second phase. The initiative will be monitored annually by measuring verification indicators to overcome any difficulties and challenges that may arise during its application.

The Unified Contracts Initiative is expected to improve the business environment, particularly in the retail and services sector in the Sultanate, through the regulation and filtering of negative practices. It will also contribute to the development of legislation and field procedures that support the rights of the consumer and the supplier and raise institutional awareness of the regulations and requirements of the Consumer Protection Authority to avoid violations and financial fines by retailers and mall owners.

The initiative is based on the principles of Oman Vision 2040, as well as international, regional, and Arab experiences based on the Consumer Protection Law.

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