Oman marks International Anti-Corruption Day 2022

Muscat: The Sultanate of Oman joins the international community in celebrating the International Anti-Corruption Day on the ninth of December of each year, the day that witnessed the signing of the United Nations Convention against Corruption in 2003, as the celebration of the International Anti-Corruption Day 2022 aims to Focusing on the link between anti-corruption, peace, security and development.

Counselor Nasser bin Muhammad Al Hosani, Chairman of the Committee for Promoting Integrity and Anti-Corruption at the State Financial and Administrative Oversight Agency, said that the Sultanate of Oman is participating with the countries of the world in celebrating the International Anti-Corruption Day with the aim of raising awareness of the dangers of corruption and highlighting the role of the UN Convention in combating and preventing it, as the Sultanate of Oman has joined the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Pursuant to Royal Decree No. 64/2013, and in this context, the Sultanate of Oman has devoted its efforts towards implementing the requirements of the aforementioned agreement, as the state’s financial and administrative oversight apparatus assumes the task of the Anti-Corruption and Prevention Authority and the Follow-up and Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

He added that in light of the state’s financial and administrative oversight apparatus carrying out the task of the Anti-Corruption and Prevention Authority and the follow-up and implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, as well as its terms of reference that the legislator drew for it in the State’s Financial and Administrative Control Law promulgated by Royal Decree No. 111/2011, he spared no effort in implementing it. Through measures that ensured the promotion of integrity and the fight against corruption; A team of experts was formed to review the implementation of the agreement after the approval of the honorable Council of Ministers , in addition to the establishment of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Committee, which undertakes several tasks, including: developing an annual action plan for the agency in relation to enhancing integrity and combating corruption, and reviewing legislation related to enhancing integrity and combating corruption. Corruption with the competent authorities, and general supervision of the annual media and awareness plan to enhance integrity and combat corruption.

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