Oman not affected by rice export ban: ministry

Muscat: The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources has confirmed in a statement that the strategic stock of rice in the Sultanate of Oman is safe and the rice reserves of the Sultanate of Oman are not affected by the export ban by India and Russia.

“Many people consume basmati rice, and it is available and supplies are continuous, and there are no challenges in it to this day. As for the “non-basmati white rice, it has been banned from exporting by India and Russia, but this step does not pose any challenge or problem as Oman also imports non-basmati rice from Pakistan and Thailand.” an official spokesman said.

He said the Sultanate of Oman has sufficient reserves of white rice – which is consumed by some residents, and there is close cooperation between the government and the private sector in this aspect.

“Rice is not cultivated in the Sultanate, and there are attempts by some farmers to cultivate it, but its cultivation requires large amounts of water.”

“The government, represented by the ministry and other competent authorities such as the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion and the Consumer Protection Authority, has studied the general situation and its effects after the Indian and Russian decision, and the results indicate that the situation is stable and there is no cause for concern, and there are initiatives to support price stabilization such as those in wheat And all the main strategic crops, with an emphasis on being widely available in the ministry’s stores.”

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