OPAZ launches e-service for reporting violations


The Public Authority for Special Economic Zones and Free Zones (OPAZ) on Wednesday launches e-services for reporting violations.

Muscat: Oman’s OPAZ launches an electronic reporting window on its website for all dealers, investors and employees to report wrong practices and violations of laws and regulations in the areas under OPAZ supervision through the following link : https://eoss.opaz.gov.om/reportviolation

Service available to, All OPAZ customers, Investors, OPAZ Staff

Provisions of Reporting Policy Shall Apply to OPAZ Staff, Board Members, OPAZ Consultants, Contractors & Suppliers 

The e-service will serve as a confidential channel of communication, provide the necessary safeguards to facilitate the reporting process and preserve the whistleblowers identity and maintain secrecy 

Purpose of service the service will aim to address any illegal practices, maintain OPAZ’s life reputation, Increase fairness honesty, and transparency, encourage customers to report any violations, protect the whistleblower’s identity and not to affect his/her interests. 

Scope of Reporting includes, failure to disclose conflicts of interest, receiving improper personal benefits from third parties, preferential treatment and discrimination in provision of services, misuse or abuse of public resources, failure to comply with rules and laws pertaining to employment, criminal acts, violations of conduct code and ethics, abuse of power, unlawful disclosure of information, concealment and destruction of official documents, endangering those who report wrongdoing, hiding any of the aforementioned violations. 

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