Oman Outlines TB Control Efforts in 76th WHA in Geneva

Geneva: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Health, outlined its experience in the field of combating tuberculosis (TB).

The presentation was made before the 76th World Health Assembly meetings in Geneva. Oman’s delegation was headed by Dr. Hilal Ali Al Sabti, Minister of Health.

The minister also participated in a meeting on reviewing international and international efforts to control the problem of antibiotic resistance.

The meeting, hosted by Saudi Arabia on the sidelines of the 76th World Health Assembly session here, also discussed preparations for the UN 2024 meetings on antibiotic resistance.

The meeting focused on endorsing indicators of Muscat Statement at the 3rd Ministerial Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance. It underlined the need to activate relevant recommendations at the level of countries, the region and the world. Participants valued Oman’s role in raising political awareness and motivating action to limit the dangers of antimicrobial resistance.

On the sidelines of the 76th General Assembly of the World Health Organization During the session, Dr. Hilal conferred with a number of health ministers and investors in the health sector from several Arab and friendly countries. The meetings were aimed at exploring partnership options, including the exchange of experiences on improving health systems and rationalizing pharmaceutical industries.

The meetings also touched on health investment in Oman and covered ways of streamlining procedures on promoting investments and identifying investment opportunities in Oman. -ONA

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