Oman: Over 4 million doses of animal vaccinations in 2022

Oman administered over 4 million doses of animal vaccinations in 2022

Muscat: The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Water Resources, represented by the Department of Animal Health and government veterinary clinics, continues its efforts to protect livestock through a preventive strategy aimed at imposing strong control on infectious and epidemic diseases. Through the national project for the immunization of livestock, which is one of the most important pillars of that strategy.

By the end of 2022, the number of animal vaccination doses reached more than 4 million doses distributed in the governorates of the Sultanate of Oman, compared to 3 million doses during 2021 AD, and the number of beneficiaries of vaccination services for the year 2022 among livestock breeders reached (35,624).

The national project for the immunization of livestock aims to control some epidemic and infectious diseases by reducing the rates of infection with them in preparation for the final disposal of some of them, and to protect humans from diseases common to animals, as well as to provide animal products with high nutritional value that are safe and healthy, and work to reduce the cost of treatment services and protect the environment. and make it free from infectious and epidemic diseases of health and economic danger.

Immunization of sheep, goats and cattle targets a number of diseases. These include: sheep and goat pox, plague of petty ruminants, enteric poisoning, foot and mouth disease, nodular dermatitis, testicular poisoning and brucellosis (in Dhofar Governorate), and rabies (rabies) according to the epidemiological situation.

It is worth noting that all preventive and curative services for the livestock sector are provided through the government sector and private veterinary facilities. The Ministry warns livestock breeders that vaccination is not a substitute for caring for their animals (care and feeding them well). It also invites them to visit veterinary clinics if they notice any change in animal behavior, such as: His isolation from the herd or his refusal to eat, as well as communication with the vaccination team before visiting them to contribute to the success of the vaccination process.

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