Oman participates in 70th session of  WHO Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean

Cairo: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Health, participates in the meetings of the seventieth session of the World Health Organization Regional Committee for the Eastern Mediterranean, which is being held in the Arab Republic of Egypt.

The delegation of the Sultanate of Oman at the meetings is headed by His Excellency Dr. Saeed bin Harib Al Lamki, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Health for Health Affairs. Many strategic issues, discussions, health technical papers and progress reports related to the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean region are discussed, such as discussing and exchanging information and experiences on important health issues and making appropriate decisions to enhance health care and improve the quality of  health care services in the region.

The Sultanate of Oman participates in a program of technical meetings that last for three days with several interventions covering a number of topics, most notably the preliminary technical meeting of the regional committee, reducing morbidity and mortality rates resulting from accidents in humanitarian settings, designing and implementing care models directed to primary health care for the Eastern Mediterranean region, and formulating plans. National initiative to enhance countries’ capacity to develop and implement clinical practice and public health guidelines and the need for an integrated approach to address the growing threat of vector-borne diseases.

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