Oman participates in G20 health ministers’ meeting in India

New Delhi: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Health, participated today in the ministerial meeting of health ministers of the Group of Twenty, which is being held in the Republic of India, in its first session to discuss the final document for the health path that was drafted by the health work teams in the group.

The delegation of the Sultanate of Oman participating in the meeting was headed by His Excellency Dr. Hilal bin Ali Al-Sabti, Minister of Health, and the Sultanate participated in it as a guest country.

In his speech during the meeting, His Excellency the Minister of Health stressed that the Sultanate of Oman is keenly aware of the ongoing global challenge of antimicrobials and the importance of adopting the One Health approach, indicating that moving from concepts to practical measures is necessary to confront antimicrobial resistance more effectively.

His Excellency added: “To strengthen the global system in surveillance of antimicrobial resistance and use, the G20 countries can provide the necessary support to build infrastructure data for countries to facilitate better data collection on antimicrobial resistance and consumption,” noting that linking surveillance and monitoring to results objectives – as is Proposed in the Muscat Statement – that would enhance reporting by countries. During the meeting, the item on prevention, preparedness and response to health emergencies was discussed, with a focus on the principle of one health, as well as antimicrobial resistance.

The first session of the meeting also included two panel discussions, the first with the World Health Organization’s Global Summit on Traditional Medicine, and the second on the topic “One Earth, One Health” for advanced health care in India 2023. On the other hand, His Excellency the Minister of Health held, on the sidelines of the meeting, a number of bilateral meetings with the heads of delegations of the Member States, in the presence of specialists from the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion in the Sultanate of Oman and members of the delegations.

It would contribute to the development of health care in terms of medical and economic aspects, in line with the national vision in health priorities, which is one of the priorities of the Sultanate of Oman’s vision 2040.

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