Oman Participates in G20 SAI Summit in India

New Delhi: Represented by the State Audit Institution (SAI), the Sultanate of Oman is taking part in the tasks of the Group of 20 (G20) SAI Summit being held on the sidelines of the G20 business conference in the Republic of India.

The summit, which started today and will last till 14 June, includes two dialogue sessions: one on artificial intelligence (AI) and the other on Blue Economy.

In the AI session, the conferees discussed how to build, disseminate and use technology in a responsible manner.

The second session will take up the issue of Blue Economy and its significance as a means of realizing good management of water resources and relying on seas and oceans for establishing sustainable development, eliminating poverty and empowering self-sufficiency in food supplies.

The G20 was established in 1999 after the Asian financial crisis. The group serves as a forum for finance ministers and central bank governors who convene to discuss global economic and financial issues and take necessary action.

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