Oman participates in GCC dialogue on children welfare in Abu Dhabi

Abu Dhabi: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Social Development, participated today in the “Dialogue of Arab Gulf States on Child Welfare Policies” forum, which was held in the Emirati capital, Abu Dhabi, where the participating delegation was headed by His Excellency Sheikh Rashid bin Ahmed Al Shamsi, Undersecretary of the Ministry of Social Development.

The forum aims to create an opportunity for interaction and the exchange of information, experiences and best practices learned regarding strengthening child protection systems in the Arab Gulf Cooperation Council countries at the governmental level and within the framework of the important role played by civil society associations in the field of strengthening child protection, in addition to benefiting from the experiences and expertise of the organizations. Regional and international in the field of children. The forum included many dialogue sessions.

In the dialogue session on “Best Practices and Interventions on Child Protection in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries,” the Sultanate of Oman participated with a working paper entitled “The Sultanate of Oman’s Efforts in the Field of Child Protection,” in which Amina Bint Khalaf Al-Maamaria, a psychologist in The Department of Child Affairs at the Ministry of Social Development is a member of the Child Protection Committee in Muscat Governorate. The efforts of the Sultanate of Oman in the field of child protection.

In her paper, Al-Maamaria also reviewed the efforts of the Sultanate of Oman in the health and well-being of children, child protection and care, education, entertainment and cultural activities through the right to education, children’s participation in international forums and the representation of the Sultan of Oman in the Arab Parliament for Children, and the expansion of the spread of parks and gardens, in addition to holding meetings and dialogues. For young people.

In the dialogue session on “The Role of Policy Frameworks and Strengthening Social Work Forces in Protecting Children,” Ibtisam bint Muhammad Al Lamkiya, a specialist at the Technical Secretariat of the National Committee for Family Affairs, presented a working paper entitled “Omani Child Protection Legislation,” which addressed the concept of the child in Omani legislation.

Al Lamkiya touched on the rights guaranteed by the Children’s Law, represented by civil rights such as the right to life, name, and nationality, social rights through growth in a cohesive family and an appropriate standard of living, and others, health rights such as curative and preventive care, the right to vaccination, and not being removed from the hospital contrary to medical advice, and cultural rights. (Establishing libraries and clubs), determining what is shown to the child in the cinema, and the right to rest, leisure time and playing games.

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