Oman participates in International Labor Conference in Geneva

Geneva: The Sultanate of Oman participated in the work of the International Labor Conference held in Geneva.

The Sultanate of Oman was represented at the meeting by (Ministry of Labour, Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the General Federation of Oman Workers), where the participating delegations discussed the conference agenda, which included the report of the Director General of the organization entitled “Advancing Social Justice”, in addition to the Items related to the labor market, the most important of which are: applying the standards of international labor conventions ratified by the member states, apprenticeships and their impact on increasing the capabilities of young people and enhancing their employment, and reviewing the experiences of leading countries in areas related to strengthening the labor market and achieving decent work and social protection.

Dr. Mahad bin Saeed Baawin, Minister of Labor, headed the delegation participating in the work of the World of Work Summit, which is coming this year under the title “Social Justice for All”. From the three production parties of the Member States, and panel discussions on strengthening the capacities of social partners on policies related to social justice are reviewed. The proposal to form a global coalition for social justice, which was welcomed by the organization’s board of directors at its 347th session held last March, will also be discussed in the presence of the representative of the Sultanate of Oman in the board.

His Excellency Sheikh Nasr bin Amer Al Hosani, Undersecretary of the Ministry for Labor, delivered a speech on behalf of the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, in which he reviewed the efforts of the organization in presenting the file of the program and budget for the years 2024-2025, stressing the importance of the existing technical cooperation between the organization and the countries of the Cooperation Council to promote decent work and basic principles and rights. In work and the position of the GCC states regarding the use of expressions and contexts that are inconsistent with the foundations on which our societies are based, and the need to take into account the circumstances and cultural diversity of the member states.

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