Oman participates in ‘the big 5’ exhibition in dubai

Dubai: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, is participating in the Big 5 exhibition, which is being held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Oman’s participation at this event aims at promoting non-oil Omani exports, exploring export opportunities and attracting foreign capital and investments to the Sultanate of Oman.

Oman is taking part in the exhibition, which will continue until this Thursday, with a number of Omani companies specializing in the construction sector.

This year’s edition of the exhibition focuses on the role of technology in shaping the features of a better future, in conjunction with the construction sector’s endeavours to meet challenges related to aspects of climate resilience and sustainability.

The 43rd session of the annual exhibition hosts diverse regional and international exhibitors to highlight their latest innovations in the field of building technology. The event agenda, with its various activities and content sessions, focuses on the role of technology in transforming the sector and strengthening its position as one of the most prominent tributaries of sustainability.

Lubna Mohammed Al Harthy, Director of the Export Development Department at the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion, said “Participation in such specialized exhibitions provides Omani companies with an ideal opportunity for their continuity and enhance their competitiveness and commercial activity in foreign markets.”

She added that the exhibition is an opportunity to inform the owners of Omani companies about the products of their counterparts and the development they have reached in terms of modern technologies used in manufacturing.

The participation is also an opportunity to obtain agents and ink new contracts and deals that guarantee the expansion of their business abroad, Lubna pointed out.

This annual exhibition brings together the most prominent experts in the sector, developers, innovators, suppliers, stakeholders and consultants in the field of environmental, social responsibility, governance and policy makers at the international level.

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