Oman participates international conference on the Digital Transformation of the Judicial System

Rabat: The Sultanate of Oman, represented by the Ministry of Justice and Legal Affairs, participated in the international conference on the digital transformation of the justice system, which comes under the slogan (A lever to achieve effective and comprehensive justice), which was held in the city of Tangier in the Kingdom of Morocco over two days.

The conference discussed a number of topics, including: the challenges and opportunities of the digital transformation of justice, the legal and regulatory framework for digital justice, the integrated digital justice system, digital justice and investment encouragement, the skills required to keep pace with the digital transformation of justice, and data-based digital justice.

The conference, which includes a number of decision-makers and high-level experts, aims to shed light on the contribution of digital transformation of the justice system to achieving sustainable development goals, especially those related to justice, equality, access to justice, and effective institutions.

The conference provides an opportunity for actors in the field of digital justice, whether national, regional or international, to exchange experiences, share best practices, and deepen the dialogue about the opportunities provided by digital transformation in this field.

The Ministry’s participating delegation includes: Senior Counselor Ibrahim bin Saeed Al Hosani, Director General of Judicial Affairs, and Khalil bin Abdullah Al Maharibi, Director of the Lawyers’ Affairs Department on assignment.

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