Oman-Syrian Business Forum aims to develop economic relations, boost trade exchange

Muscat: Oman Chamber of Commerce and Industry (OCCI) organized today the Oman-Syria Business Forum which aims to develop economic relations and boost trade exchange and investments between the Sultanate of Oman and the Syrian Arab Republic.

The event was held under the patronage of Dr. Said Mohammed Al Saqri, Minister of Economy.

In his speech, Al Saqri pointed out that the forum provides several economic opportunities between Oman and Syria. It is also a chance, he added, to explore areas of joint cooperation.

The forum, Al Saqri affirmed, facilitates connecting Omani and Syrian businesspeople through B2B meetings which will be held on the sidelines of the event.

On his turn, Dr. Mohammad Samer Al Khalil, Syria’s Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade said that economic relations between Oman and Syria are historic and continuous. He affirmed that Oman represents an important regional trade centre for re-exporting Syrian products to east African countries, India and China.

Meanwhile, Faisal Abdullah Al Rawas, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OCCI indicated that the forum is an opportunity for businesspeople to familiarize with facilities and incentives offered by the two countries.

Al Rawas pointed out that the event focuses on several economic sectors, such as food industries, exporting and importing, construction, manufacturing clothes and cotton products, textiles, tourism, veterinary medicine, fodder and fertilizers, chemicals and plastics industry.

Moreover, the forum comprises two workshops that highlight incentives offered to investors in Oman and Syria, in addition to available investment opportunities in various economic sectors. – ONA

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